January 7, 2010

here i go and there's no turning back....

Well I did it.
I moved to New York. My apartment is amazing. My room mate is amazing.
But the lack of brazilian is not too amazing.
I'm sad.
But I know it will get better.
But I'm taking my mom' s advice (who I miss just as much too) and just letting myself be sad for a day.
This is hard.
But interesting.....listen.....
So my first night here, I realized that I had been keeping myself busy all day that I didn't eat anything. So I went down the street to a cafe and sat there looking at people around me. I overheard this pregnant woman who was a lesbian carrying a child for a couple that couldn't have kids. And she's just sitting there with her friend and she whips out a bunch of pokemon cards and starts talking about how cool they are.
I can't wait to see what kinds of things I'm going to be doing. I am so excited to see people I know and to meet people I don't.
I can't wait to get a job.
I need one haha.
What a super emotional, crazy, wonderful, horrible, ok day.
I'm really lucky and super excited.
Now to unpack and make things feel like home.
I hope things get better really soon. Because my wittle heart hurts a wittle too much.


  1. You are awesome and amazing and brave and wonderful and loved and missed.

    I am so happy for you and for your wise decision to embrace life and explore.In the wise words of someone wise:

    “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been!"
    --John Greenleaf Whittier

    Now go out there with your head held high with grace and courage, New York has been waiting a long time for you and you have arrived.

    I love you so very, very much! One more thing from someone wise:

    “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
    -Eleanor Roosevelt

    Love and (((hugs)))))

    PS God loves pregnant lesbians especially the ones that have their own Pokemon cards.

  2. I think you're doing something pretty amazing for yourself. and i think your marriage is going to be stronger for it. if you ever need anyone to complain to, give me a call... i know all too much about being away from the boy!!!
