January 3, 2010


Time to take a minute to talk about the funniest person I've ever met.
My baby brother Christian.
Or, in my affection, Choochie.
It's his birthday tomorrow. He's 18 years old. My bebe brother is all grown up.
He's the best.
There's no one like him. Ever. Anywhere. At all.
I can remember when we were little we used to break sea shells to release the mermaid spirits that were hiding inside them. I feel like I've grown out of that stage ha ha.
But he hasn't.
He has this beautiful ability to see things as a child would see them. He finds joy in the weirdest things. And he creates things out of simple things no one would ever think to make something out of. Like a necklace made out of sticks and yarn.
Or a hanging lamp made out of a bent hanger, an old t shirt and a cord.
He's amazing. And has such a beautiful mind.
I'm going to miss my little Choochster.
My little buddy. And my best friend.
Happy Birthday Baby Brother!
I love you more than I can ever tell you.


  1. just scrolling through blogs, found yours, and i really enjoy it. had to tell you that. i'm new to this blog thing and friends had convinced me to make one for myself. your blog and some others make it worth doing.

    anyway, i'm at: exmypa.blogspot.com , and i hope we can talk soon.

    (also, i don't have really any followers and it makes me feel like a total loser, so if you can just help me out a little with that. hahaha)

  2. whoa you guys are both so lucky to have eachother! you're both incredible!
