January 12, 2010

Every Rose Has It's Thorn....

So I've lived in New York for almost a week now and already I feel like I've learned so much. I learned that riding the subway and finding different places is really no big deal at all. And that finding a job will be interesting but can be a lot of fun, and that some people here are so willing to help you out and to find your way so that you feel more welcome and settled.
I love New York.
And I love living here.
The only problem is that I am missing my other half.
I have this great opportunity to take some classes in the city with some casting directors this week. Thanks to an awesome connection in my new ward, (which is awesome by the way) and I get up to sing for this director. It was a great release for me to just sing. I haven't done that in a couple weeks and I didn't realize how bad I needed it.
This is the conversation that followed...
Casting Director: It was really great. What did you use for your moment before?
Me: I was getting dressed and began to vent on one of my maids in the household
Casting Director: Good. And how many day have you been in the city?
Me: Five
Casting Director: I see you have a ring on your finger, do you have your husband with you here in the city?
Me: Actually, I just got engaged and no, sadly he didn't get to come with me
Casting Director: And how are you doing being with out him
Casting Director: That bad huh?
Me: It's been a tough week
Casting Director: Well let's take things to the other side of the spectrum. Why don't you sing this to him? I feel like it might be a stronger connection to you than a maid
Me: Okay sure

Man. I didn't think it was going to be as tough to get through it as it was. My first impression with this good sir and I'm a complete mess. Great. But it went well and was more honest and I learned a lot and can't wait to continue classes this week.

So it's tough but it's good.
I loved having Monique here to help me get through the weekend.
Love that girl.
And now I think I'm ready to get busy and do my best.

I am so lucky to be here.
And I can't wait to see Ben in February :)
Life is Beautiful