September 9, 2010

Got my sweatpants and the candles a burnin

So I'm alive.

I got so busy with my wedding and moving Ben in and the whole marriage thing.

WHICH by the way is the best adventure i've ever had.

Our wedding was beautiful. We loved every second of it. Well, to be honest, I don't remember a whole lot. Everything was a blur but I remember the whole day was happy and beautiful :)

I am happy.

I love being married. And I love who I'm married to.

I could write a big long sappy blog about how much I love Ben and every detail of our life but I believe there was a certain sense of dignity in the way things used to be with technology. When people didn't write about their break ups and what they fed their husbands that morning for breakfast.

I do want to share certain things but I just don't like the idea of people developing opinions on every detail of my bizznass

With that said, I love pumpkin spice candles. I think they make any place smell like home and comfort. And I love it when my mom surprises me and buys me such candles.

Something that has always baffled me slash makes me frustrated is the fact that I feel really comfortable making a house "my own" and putting my own "style" into it yet at the same time, I can't pick out clothes for myself worth ANYTHING.

I've just never been able to. I can pull off one thing or another from time to time but really, I would just like to be in my sweats most of the time. I seriously considered if that made me just really gross but it's actually when I feel the most like myself. I have yet to find my groove of buying clothing.
And really. I try so hard.
I will go into a store and pick up tons of stuff to try on and I come out and look at myself in the mirror and POOF!
I think it's amazing how girls can look so classy.
Dear stylish girls....
Teach me to be bangin.
Sincerly Sweatpants and Glasses

1 comment:

  1. oh gee nice room and name on the sweatpants i miss ya face!
