September 28, 2010

Efforts and Successes and the best 21st Birthday Ever

Like I said in my blog before I am somewhat shopping retarded.
And by somewhat I mean super.
And this may sound stupid but it's something I always cared about but could never really master.
But I have been trying to find out little things I can do to make me feel better in my own skin.
I do zumba.
Oh boy do I love zumba.
All I have to do is go in and shake it for an hour with a bunch of latina women that can shake it much better than I can and I feel ten times better about my body after I walk out.
I love dancing. It beats running on a treadmill any day.
I am starting small with shopping. Like I said in my blog before, I am terrible at picking out clothes for myself and I never even dreamed about going shopping and just buying something as simple as earrings.
So in order to get more comfortable with what I had already, I threw out about two thirds of my clothes that I never wear and when I do wear them I feel yucky.
And then I remembered that I don't have tons of shopping money so I decided I could spruce up some of the things I already have buy finding jewelery and scarfs and nail polish and lipstick that made me feel more put together and not too dressed up but I guess
And holla!
It's been working!
And yesterday I got brave and I bought a dress that I love and feel really good in no matter how bad a day I'm having or what state my body is in at the time.
It will take a long time. I know that building a whole new wardrobe will be a big step for me and I don't wanna buy things all at once because I want to take the time to find things that I really really love and will wear all the time.
I am 21 years old and I wanna start growing into being a woman and feeling really great about going into a mall instead of stressed out and jumbly brained.
Yesterday was my birthday and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
I got to sleep in and get my hair done which were two much needed and deeply missed activities.
And then my husband gave me my favorite perfume which got discontinuted but he somehow found it online and took me to buy the new dress I talked about earlier and then took me to La Caille, which is a beautiful french resturaunt by the canyon.
Is he bangin or is he bangin? Holla!
It's been an awesome month. I love Fall and I am really looking forward to being 21.


  1. i'm SOOO glad you had a good birthday!!!! i am am just as handi when it comes to shopping... i'm trying to get better... but it's difficult!!! you are fabulous though and you are gorgeous, so don't worry you'll get the hang of it!

  2. I definitely want to see this dress. A picture would be nice. And I must admit, I've done the same thing. Not having a lot of money makes for little amounts of shopping. It's the little things that count.
