June 8, 2010

I can't sleep

I have way too many thoughts in my head.
Sometimes, I need to sit back a realize after too much facebook stalking that other people have their successes and if I work hard and keep doing the right things, mine will come in their due time as well.
I need to focus on my own journey. This is not anyone elses and it's a pretty darn good one if I say so myself. I really do love my life, but I feel every girl can fall into a frenzy of trying to get to where other people are going or comparing themselves to one another.
I have that problem.

Women in general all have this problem from time to time.
And I am now on my journey to finding how to stop it.
How to switch entirely to the woman in me that doesn't give a wit what other people think.
I feel as if I can channel this part of me in many different situations but not as many as I would like to.

What is life anyway other than to find who you are and to make the most out of YOUR experience? Not to google at others.

I feel like such a schizo when I get this way because I feel I am a pretty confident person. But when I have my weak moments I look back at times where I feel as if I wouldn't have the courage to re live that experience again because I would be too self conscious.
Girl thing or weird Xandra thing?

It's time I start caring less about anyone else. Good for them for finding it sooner than I did. But I know that I need to pick myself up and get back in the game.

This life is for living. Not comparing. Or wishing for someone elses fortunes.

Make it yourself.

No more face book for a while.


  1. Oh Its definitely a "girl thing"... or at least a weird Victoria thing as well. Either way, you are completely right! I loved this post. Whenever I get that way I always stop myself and realize how much hope I really do have for my future. And yours, my lovely, is so BRIGHT!

    And oh my, don't even get me started on facebook stalking. Haha BAD addiction.

  2. Xandra, thats a TOTAL girl thing! we're terrible at it. it sucks but the more often we can NOT compare ourselves the happier we'll be! seriously i probably couldn't hack it one day in your life. and vice versa... we are given the life we are because it's what WE need.

  3. Love this post dear. It's definitely a girl thing. :) I think you're great. Don't forget it. Funny how just the other day I was facebook stalking you and thought the same thing...a lot of people look up to you.

  4. I second all of the above. Dal and I were just talking about this, how girls have this ridiculous desire to compete in everything. Happened to me just last Friday, it sucks and it's just not worth it! You're amazing, and trust me, tons of people look at you and get down on themselves too. We've all got our battles and successes, the hard part is owning the fact that they're different than everyone else's. Chin up Charlie! :)

  5. You are to cute! I feel this way all the time and just cant figure out how to make myself not care what other people have, or do, or look like. I just need to worry about the things that I do have in life that are great also and just focus on my OWN life. Thanks for helping me admit to this little issue of mine :)

  6. haha, cousin I love ya. I have a new blog you should check out :)
