February 7, 2010

You know what?....:)

You know what?
I really love my life.
I have had so many ups and downs this past week that I felt like a schizo.
And I just came to one of those moments when you realize....
It's ok.
I'm really happy knowing that no matter what, I'm going to do what I feel is right.
No matter what.
And I have learned SO much about myself and about people around me and life since I've been here and I will always keep that with me. The people I've met and the experiences I had that weren't expected or the things I thought would be more important that ended up being so small that I don't even care at the moment have all been surprising and beautiful all at the same time.
Men are that they might find joy.
And I have been able to do that. Why not choose to be happy? Or fight for standing up for the right to be yourself in a place where everyone wants to change the way you look, or talk or are.
And I am so relieved to know that I can be whatever I want to be.
Dang Gina.
Life is good.
Life is real good.
Keep on Keepin On.
If things don't work out here, what's the worst that could happen? I get to go home to my family, my friends and my other half. I get to have a different adventure.
I just can't not be happy. That would just be stupid.


  1. i'm so happy that you are having a good time out there!!! i think it's an awesome thing you are doing!

  2. Xandra! My dear I found your blog and I'm so happy I did! You are so right. Life is good! Why shouldn't we be happy... especially when your living in New York! You are living your dream! Man I am so excited for you! One day... I say one day!
