February 18, 2010

Anything you want, Shawty I give it to you....

So I really like dancing and singing to old music.
Music like the backstreet boys and n'sync
Mostly Britney Spears.
God bless her.
But really? Lately I have had SO much excitement and happiness coming from the one and only...
Justin Bieber.
Or in my affection, Justin Beebop
I love him.
Not in a creepy older than you crush sort of way.
I'm obsessed with his little tunes.
I love listening to everything he sings and I can't lie but I got really excited for his new musical video that came out today.
I'm a fan.
Go ahead and laugh!
But for the time being, singing with a spatula as my microphone and dancing like crazy to Justin Beebop in my apartment have become a nightly occurrence and a big reason for my happiness this past little while.

Good times with JB.

And this little girl understands the way I feel.

I hope hope hope my kids are this funny.


  1. I hope Justin as seen this video. You are cute my dear. I always love blog stalking you...hope you don't mind! :)
