December 1, 2010

The very good morning I just had. Just barely

I love when morning aren't groggy. Groggy is the suck that makes the rest of the day long and frustrating. 
But this morning was a perfect non groggy, pleasant morning. 
Normally I get up at the last possible minute so I can enjoy every bit of warm, cozy bedness before I get up and run to get warm in the shower. Then get ready super fast, grab an apple, kiss my husband and head out to scrape the windows while the car heats up. 
But this morning was as lovely as anything. 
I woke up naturally while Ben was getting ready and had time to do everything I needed to.
And Ben made me breakfast. I love that.
Then I took Ben to school because his scooter wasn't working. Which was nice to have to morning to talk and laugh with him. Normally, one of us is asleep. Soon I will get to work closer to home which will save us a lot of money and Ben wont have to freeze to death scooting in the snow to BYU. Trooper.
Work has been peachy. 
And the best part of today so far. 
I got a FREE sandwhich.
There's this thing I guess that a lot of companies are doing where you can call the number on the back of a receipt and get something free from them after completing a survey.
Took me two secs and I got a free lunch! Imma head over to Wendy's this afternoon!
Best. Morning. Ever.

And you are such a gem for reading all about it. Even if it wasn't all that entertaining.


  1. i just love it so much when you post! and this year, i am grateful i don't have to scrape windows... as much as i really miss the snow and cold!

  2. my only question is why in the world you didn't tell us! you do know i drive to byu like... uhm... everyday! :)
