January 24, 2010

Weird how life is sometimes....

So, I'm super sick, relying on my nyquil and dayquil. I can't sleep because I've slept all day and now I'm up. But I am SO happy :) I can't describe how happy I am. I'm like a freaking happy machine. And I love my life.

I got to spend all last week with Ben. He was only supposed to stay for the weekend but he was flying back stand by so after two failed flights he finally got on a third one home on Friday morning.
It was amazing to have him here. We spent a lot of time just hanging out in the apartment and went down to times square a couple of times.
Hello magical romantic fun time.
It was SO fun.
Life is great.
And I get to see him again in three weeks for Valentines Day in New York City.
Love him.

I am still trying to find a job. It's been a lot harder that I thought it would be. But I'm keeping my hopes up. And trying as hard as I can.
I know something will come through. I'll get one. I just need to keep on keepin on.
I am surprised that I'm not freaking out about it yet. But I just have a feeling that I'm going to be ok.
I love that.

I can't sleep.
I have this goal to finish all 21 books in my bookshelf before I go home in June. So far I've finished three ha ha. But I'm about half way through my fourth and I'm excited to get to the next one. It's the infinite atonement and I've always wanted to read it. And then after that it's one of my Barbra Streisand biographies and then the time travelers wife. I love reading.

I need to put pictures up on my wall. My printer is broken so I haven't been able to print anything to put in my frames. So I haven't taken any pictures yet of my room because I want it to be finished before I do.

It's been a month now since I've had my braces. It's only been a month ha ha. And I feel like I've had them on for forever. I hate braces. But I'm grateful to them because I have to come home to get them tightened so it's a great excuse to see my family and my friends and the fiancee.
My baby brother is done with high school! He finished 5 months early! I'm so proud of him. My little Choochie.

I get to go to breakfast with my dad tomorrow morning. I'm so lucky that I get to have so many visitors. And then I am going to Natalie Weiss's solo show at Birdland.
I feel so lucky.

I love my life.
And I couldn't ask for anything more.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you got to see Ben, that picture was ADORABLE!!! and i'm glad you get to see him in 3 weeks too :) yay life!
