January 7, 2013

The Dream Notepad

I thought it would be fun to write things down on my I Phone's notepad as I woke up through the night. Not necessarily for creativity's sake, but just to see what would happen. I've never done it before and I wondered if I would even have the coherency to write anything. 

I woke up and checked my phone and found this funny little dream about my dear friend Kelly, and one of my worst fears..Whales.

This is what I have got written down.

"We were learning at a Zoo college and we had to work with whales. Kelly was supposed to be my partner but she went shopping instead. She showed up last minute in new clothes but it was all mickey mouse stuff. Weird. Then we went to cross the bridge to the whale place and the whale came from down below and was trying to get me. Kelly threw her mickey jacket at me but it didn't help. Then her and my mom went to the other side of the place and made whale sounds and it made the whale go away. Kelly got an A because she helped me and I got an F for being afraid."

 Pretty weird huh? I remember having the dream but I didn't remember any details about it. I don't think anything this detailed will ever happen again for me but I guess we will see!

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