Reading has always been important to me. It's always been something that's been there for me through the years. I tend to not pay much attention to grammar from time to time, which I know drives other, more sophisticated readers crazy. I am not a great writer because of the books I've read, but I know I am a better person.
Right now I am reading, "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck. I have never read one of his books before and I have fallen in love with his work. I love the way that he portrays thoughts as not being black or white, but that they can be mushy and cut up and taped back together. I think that's so beautiful that Mr. Steinbeck could portray such a hard to explain part of life.
I think books are an incredible source for creativity and refuge. The smell of book shops makes me get butterflies in my tummy. Just walking around looking at all the stories and smelling the amazing book smell makes me feel alive.
I can't wait for Fall. I love reading books in the Fall, cuddled up in a blanket .
I can't wait for Fall. I love reading books in the Fall, cuddled up in a blanket .
10th grade reading level???? HOW. I love reading too, and I love reading your blog. :)