October 25, 2011

Thank You

It's been a doozy of a month. 
I wanna say first that my husband is the greatest thing in my life. He knows just when to hug me and just when to turn on my Barbra Streisand movies and make me some Hot Chocolate.
And may I just say,
What. A. Babe.  

It's been brought to my attention that life's not fair. I knew this before, and thought I felt it in the past but ohohoho. Wrongo Bongo.

It has also come to my attention that there is someone in Heaven who cares a lot about me. I also knew this before, and thought I felt it in the past, but nothing came close to the perfect timing of these sweet little reassurances both husband and I have gotten.

In the past week both Ben and I have each won a contest, been visited by our closest friends, gotten to play in the beautiful Utah Fall weather, and have random gift cards, clothes, halloween decorations, and food from family and friends who had no idea how much it meant to us.

It's given us so many incredible things to remember and a lot more courage to face life and all it's garbage dump challenges.

Thank you. 
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

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