September 14, 2011

One Task Finished. 2 to Go...

At the end of August I made a list of three things I would like to get done in the month of September, and I've finished one and I wanted to share my experiences.
Goal: Watch two documentaries and/or films that have influenced society or have made a list I found of movies to see before you die
So I decided to watch, "The Graduate" 

 It was free on Netflix so I cuddled up with some pumpkin candy corn and watched it yesterday morning. To be honest, I really didn't find it as legendary as it's talked up to be. I understand it was controversial for it's time but I enjoyed my candy corn much more than the movie
Next I decided I wanted to see a documentary.
I love watching documentaries. I think they're fascinating.
I decided to watch one called, "Food Matters"

At first, I thought this would be about how bad processed foods were for you and the effects it has on our bodies. But I was surprised to find that it talks a lot about the healing affects vitamins have on someone with cancer. This being a very personal subject to me, I was amazed at how incredible amounts of vitamins being consumed through an IV have not only halted the spread of cancer but reversed it resulting in complete healing.

Wait what? So there's a cure for cancer? 
Why the hell doesn't everybody know about this?

It explains why and thus the reason for the documentary being made.

I cried through the entire documentary. 
What would have happened if my dad had this sort of treatment? Would it have made a difference?
I saw with my own eyes people talking about how their pancreatic cancer was reversed and they are living happy, healthy, long lives with their families.
Where would I be if my Dad were here physically with me today?
I haven't stopped asking questions, and now since I know this, how could I ever stop asking questions?

What an incredible way to learn how films can influence my life and how different it would have been.
I am so grateful for my life and my family but obviously this is something I think about.
What would have been different?

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