I got some stuff that makes me happy
And it goes like this.
-cookies. mounds of them. especially the ones that my new little brother sam makes.
-clear nail polish
-justin bieber dance parties

-singing songs
-paige allison thunell
-my house
-paintings from amazing british people who i miss very much
-temple prep classes
-ben....give in

-mature, normal grown up people who can still have fun but be mature grown up people
-abbott and costello
-my job
-my co workers
-when it rains pretty
-jazz elise aguon. miss you
-my puppy roxie
-good fitting sweatshirts
-bic pens
-when i wake up and feel rested
-my spankin new engagement pictures by elisabeth kate photography

-smelling good.
-barbra streisand

-my friends in la.
-the sound your chapstick makes when you take the cap off
-monique shurtz

mmm mmm good. yes please.
and last but not least!!!!
I miss you incredible amounts, I haven't been doing well at keeping up to date but I can see life's going just the way you deserve it to be and I couldn't ask for more for you. Now hurry up! I want to meet Ben, I can't understand for the life of me why a million people at this school have met him but I haven't! Agh! I love you so much. It's a little silly.