December 28, 2009

Memories, Like the Corners of My Mind....

So the day has come to pack up my things and get them ready to send to New York. It's a really bittersweet day for me. I am really excited to move to New York. I can't wait to see the things I get to experience to learn and grow. And I can't wait to live in a city again. I missed that so much.
But all the same I am having a really hard time leaving the people who mean so much to me.
Namely, my fiance. Who wants to leave a perfectly good man for 6 months?!
I am hoping to come home every month or so to be able to see my beautiful family and Ben. Also to get all my appointments in on my braces. So I guess my braces were a blessing really. It gave me an excuse to splurge every month and go home and see my family and friends.
Thanks braces.
I guess I just have to take things one day at a time.
I can't explain how grateful I am for Skype.
I'm also grateful for the most eventful year of my life.
Wow. talk about changes.
At the beginning of this year, I was at AMDA. Living it up with my friends and loving everyday in the city. Then I left and came home for what seemed like an eternity of confusion trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.
When I finally figured it out and feeling really great about my plans. I started dating the most incredible person I have ever had the privilege of knowing and ended up loving him so much I wanted to marry him.
Now I'm engaged. About to embark on a huge adventure on my own to figure out what living on your own is really about.
I want my mommy.
Life is crazy. I keep getting reminded of how much one can change in a year. And how much fun living can be :)
I am so happy to be where I am. I am happy to be who I am.
Now just to be happy about packing up all my things and leaving is going to take a little longer.
I'm going to have a hard time. But I know that through God, keeping busy and Skype (the greatest invention ever next to bumpits and snuggies) I think I'll make it through :)

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